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Gaylord Soccer League: Developing Players, Coaches, and Fans

Gaylord Soccer League: Developing Players, Coaches, and Fans


Click HERE to take the CDC Heads Up concussion training course. You can print out your certificate

Click HERE and HERE to learn and understand how to deal with Sports Induced Asthma.
As coaches, volunteers and administrators we must be aware of the perils that can affect us all. Please take a few minutes to review the below presentation.

Youth Soccer Insurance Claims

Tips for Hot Days!

Heat Cramps

When a body loses too much water and salt through sweat, muscles tend to cramp (particularly in the abdomen and legs). Players suffering from these painful heat cramps should:

  • Rest in a shady spot.
  • Sip one glass of cool water every 15 minutes until the pain relents.
  • If the player's parents are on hand, have them help by:
  • Massaging the affected muscles.
  • Applying cool, wet cloths to help relax the muscles.

Heat Exhaustion

Players with cool, moist, or flushed skin, heavy sweating, headache, nausea, dizziness, or muscle cramps may be experiencing heat exhaustion. This condition occurs when, because of high humidity or restrictive clothing, sweat is not properly evaporated and the body cannot cool down. To assist a player experiencing heat exhaustion:

  • Have the player lie down in a shady spot and elevate his or her feet.
  • Remove the child's shoes, shin guards, and socks.
  • Apply cold packs to the armpit and scalp areas.
  • Have the player drink water or an electrolyte solution.
  • Dampen the player's skin with cool cloths.
  • Fan the player to help evaporate excess sweat.
  • If the player's parents are on hand, have them:
  • Remove the player's shirt.
  • Apply cold packs to the groin area.

Heat Stroke

  • When a body completely loses the ability to cool itself, the internal temperature continues to rise resulting in heat stroke. If a player's temperature rises too quickly, brain damage and/or death may result. Players suffering from heat stroke may have hot, dry skin -- those with fair complexions may appear red, while darker-skinned individuals may appear gray. Victims may also experience a very rapid pulse and extremely high body temperature. In some cases, victims of heat stroke may seem confused, unresponsive, or even suffer from seizures. Recovery from heatstroke depends on the amount of time it takes to return the body temperature to normal, so immediate medical attention is imperative.

    If you suspect that a player is suffering from heat stroke:
    • Call 911 immediately.
    • Follow the recommended treatment for heat exhaustion.
    • DO NOT attempt to give any liquids.
    • Contact the player's parents.

    Professional soccer players lose seven and a half pounds of sweat during a game. In order to avoid serious heat-induced conditions, players must drink enough fluids to replace that sweat. Every player should carry his or her own sports bottle to practice, and coaches need to stop for drink breaks every 15 minutes during the summer.

    Symptoms of dehydration may include:
    • Sunken eyes.
    • Thirst
    • Dry mouth, lips, and tongue
    • Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting
    • Headache

Broken Bones/Sprains Other Injury

If you break/and or sprain or other from of injury:

  • Contact the player's parents
  • Go to the club house for medical attention.
  • For emergencies please dial 911 and contact a sitting board member and follow directions below

Injury Policy

Any of these situations happen on the Gaylord Soccer League Fields, a current sitting Board of Director needs to be notified so the incident can be documented properly and followed up on.  If you are unable to contact any of the Board of Director(s) You will be required to please send a email to [email protected] with the "Subject Line Titled" Emergency Incident at Fields. And then you will be required to  type an email statement of indecent that accrued and who was present, (i.e) yourself, what other coaches or parents near by was present, and other key details. 

The GSL Board takes safety of the Coaches, Players and Parents seriously, together we can stay on top of Player Safety 


Resources for Coaches:

**GSL Director of Coaching is here to help if needed. Please email them (see the contact page) and they will respond shortly**

Other Resources:

US Youth Soccer Coaching Resources
Provides coaching articles, Workshops/Archived Presentations, Rules of the Game...

MSYSA Coaching Resources
Michigan Youth Soccer Association- Age appropriate Practice plans, Systems of Play, Coaching Best Practices...

US Youth Soccer Sample Practice Plans
Age Appropriate practice plans

First Time Coach Help
Basic info to help get a 1st time coach started

US Youth Soccer Coaching Manual
US Youth Soccer Official 15 Chapter Coach Manual

Youth Sports Coaching- MOJO Sports
MOJO Soccer- Youth Sports Coaching w/ FREE app HERE to set up practice and training plans


Gaylord Soccer League
617 Fairview Rd., PO Box 1147
Gaylord, Michigan 49735

Email: [email protected]

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